

Monday, May 28, 2012

Back to Reality

Morning weight 273.5
-.1 lbs from yesterday
-4.7 lbs weight loss total

Exercise: I failed. None this day.

1 scoop Unjury Vanilla
1 c Light Vanilla Soy Milk
Western Omelette Croissant
Calories 500
Protein 41g

Chicken Strips
1 Tbsp Honey Mustard
Calories 420
Protein 27g

Giant BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich (made with our very own pork! yum!)
Calories 470
Protein 32g

Grand Total
Calories 1390
Protein 100g (holy cow! I'm getting good at this protein thing!)

After all of the fun this past weekend, it was kind of a let down to go back to the ho-hum of reality today. It was an even bigger pain in my side to go to work knowing that almost everyone else had the day off. As I was headed out the door for work MM was still snoring away. Poo! (Yes, I'm having a mini pity party for myself... ok, I'm better now) That being said, it was probably the best thing for me. It meant I couldn't sit around and be lazy all day and snarf my face on picnic leftovers (which I'm supremely grateful are still mercifully in my mother-in-law's possession).

Nothing too incredibly exciting happened today. I went to work. It was insanely slow because everyone was out enjoying the beautiful weather and hanging out with people and having a good time (ok... maybe I'm not quite over my pity party yet... lol). Then I came home and took a short nap (I only got 4 hours of sleep last night) before wandering up to the machine shed where Mr Man and about half my in-laws were hanging out with some friends working on the two new pulling tractors (yes- we are so supremely redneck it's not even funny). Somehow, someway, MM convinced me that today was the day I was going to learn how to drive a tractor. I know I'm a farmer's wife. I know that I'm expected to know how to do that, but I had made myself expressly clear before we were married that machinery was not my thing. I'll help with anything else- I'll slop pigs, I'll muck out barns, throw bales, feed cattle- anything that does not involve equipment. It intimidates me. I'm scared of it. I don't have any desire to learn how. Yet, somehow he got me to agree to it (and I swear there was no alcohol involved!). Not only did he convince me that I needed to learn, but somehow I wound up learning on his pulling tractor (i.e. not your average field tractor. Difficulty quotient is much higher- as is the likelihood I will injure either myself or others while operating said machinery).

Miracle of all miracles I managed to not kill anyone (including myself) and I didn't break anything. Granted, I only drove it around for like 10 minutes and the only gears I engaged were 1st, reverse, and neutral, but still! The only problem now is that since MM has accomplished getting me up on one and driving it, now he wants me to learn how to pull one. I sense many intense arguments in our future revolving around a tractor... *sigh*

Fake it til you make it!
~The Faux Bandit~

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