

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Few Changes Around Here...

Welp, I've had a few of you let me know very (and sometimes not so) gently that ya'll could really care less about what I eat for breakfast on Monday, you just want to know I'm sticking on plan. I can't lie, either. I'll admit that there have been several times where I've not wanted to sit down and write out everything I ate throughout the day- not because I fell off the wagon, but because I just really don't want to look back and type out all of that information.

Sooooooo.... I'm changing up how I do my entries. Saturdays through Thursdays I will just blog about things like NSV's (non-scale victories), post nasty mugshots pictures of my flushed sweaty post-workout face, and randomness that pertains (most of the time) to my weightloss journey.

My accountability won't be disappearing from this blog, though. On Fridays I will summarize very quickly how I ate that week (i.e. Monday: 1349 calories/98g protein) and how I exercised (Tuesday: 1 hr walk with the puppers & 1 hr on treadmill). I am not sure if I'm going to keep posting my daily weigh-ins or if I'm just going to post a weekly "official" weigh-in. What would you rather see?

My other change around here? I've been going to The Gym every day and I'm hooked! How do I know that? The last few days anytime I'm getting frustrated or really annoyed with something at work, I've been glancing at the clock and telling myself "Only x-hours until I can go to the gym!"

Now, that's a HUGE NSV for me! Who ever thought that this chubster would be using The Gym as a reward/comfort/coping mechanism? lol!

Fake it til you make it!

~The Faux Bandit~

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