

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I D-I-D It!!!!

I finally did something I've been meaning to do for a very long time. A V...E...R...Y long time. It's something I've wanted to desperately do, because I'm weirder than a 3-legged duck and I actually enjoy it. Finances were a little in the way, but the truth of the matter is I have been putting it off because that means I would have to sit down with someone and have a meeting and sign paperwork and see people and talk and be social. I don't want to do that after work hours. Unless it involves a bonfire and/or beer. But I am the queen of all social avoidance when I want to be, and I found a way around it all. I rock!

So, I suppose ya'll are wondering what I did? I joined a gym. Not just any gym. A 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year gym. One that being a member of grants me access to not only that gym, but any other gym of the same name. There are almost 2000 locations across the nation. There is one a mile away from my work if I were to turn that way. There is another one on my way home from work. And there is yet another in the small town close to where we live. I also happen to know that there are 10 between our home and my dad's place as well as one in the town close to where he lives and one in the town that I used to work in when I lived up there. No... more... excuses...! No matter where I am, I can work out. In a gym. Which I actually immensely enjoy. Maybe it's because we don't have a tv at home and that's the only place I can watch it? Maybe it's because I get more mentally "into" it because you're surrounded by fitness equipment and people doing the same thing as you? Maybe because any exercise I do outside feels like work on the farm and a treadmill is actually a nice break for me? I don't know. But I do know that I <3 gyms and I'm super excited to belong to one again. I honestly haven't had a gym membership since very early on in my chubster years.

The biggest obstacle to me actually joining this gym was that they won't just let you go online and buy a membership and show up. You have to go there and meet with them and get a tour and sign some papers... blah blah blah... I don't want to do that! I just want to work out! I even called and asked if I could just give them my credit card over the phone. They said no. But I'm persistent and I found a way around it. The local radio station does an on-air auction every few weeks and there are some items you can view online and purchase outright at a huge discount. Just so happens I was curious and took a look. Lo and behold- there was THE GYM! A one-year membership for half the price. Wa-hoo! My credit card came out quicker than you can say "Cash or credit?" and it was MINE! It was meant to be, too. Cuz I got the last one! Now I just have to wait for them to mail me my membership package and I'll be hitting the gym every day after work. :)

Fake it til you make it!
~The Faux Bandit~

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