

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pain Comes in Twos...

Morning weight 272.5
-.1 lbs from yesterday
-5.7 lbs weight loss total

Exercise: 1 hour brisk walk with papa puppers

1 scoop Unjury powder
2 c light vanilla soy milk
Calories 220
Protein 32g

Chicken Fried Rice
1/4 c baby peas
Calories 570
Protein 18g

Spicy Baked Chicken Breast
Marinara Sauce
1/2 slice garlic bread
Calories 460
Protein 21g

Workout Reward
1 Dole Fruit Bar Ice Pop - Coconut (<---obsessed with Coconut!)
Calories 40
Protein 2g

Grand Total
Calories 1290
Protein 73g

I keep marveling at how much my stomach has shrunk since I adopted the Lap Band Lifestyle. It doesn't take much to get me full now. If the total portion size is more than a cup it takes me a half hour to forty-five minutes to eat my meal- and even then I'm sometimes uncomfortable. Even knowing that, and marveling out loud about it on a regular basis, I still did the unthinkable today. I guzzled a soda. Now, I don't normally drink soda. I actually don't like it very much. I don't like the sweetness of it and I really don't like the syrupy feeling left in my mouth whether I drink diet or regular. But I crave carbonation. I crave it like a duck craves a pond. It is my all. My everything. I have no idea why I have such an obsession with it, but I do. Normally my house is stocked to the rafters with seltzer water (plain, unflavored, please), but I was out. And I was definitely going to die unless I had something fizzy to drink, so I grabbed one of Mr Man's stevia sodas (they actually don't taste too bad and have 0 cals in them), and I chugged (how chubster of me) about half of one before it hit me- this overwhelming, absolute pain in my stomach. I had just done two things that I know I shouldn't do:

#1- I chugged something (i.e. I snarfed a soda)
#2- That something that I chugged was bigger than my normal portion size

Not only had I done both of those things, but this soda was extremely carbonated. And the carbonation, combined with the overfilling of my stomach at warp speed resulted in one- make that two- things. 

#1- I was in an excruciating amount of pain
#2- I got to experience something that I thought I never would when I chose to adopt the Lap band Lifestyle versus actually getting the band... I PB'd. Well, at least I think that's what I did...

I burped. The carbonation had to come out somehow- but the soda came out with it. Twice. It wasn't pretty. It wasn't glamorous. It wasn't fun. It hurt my stomach when it was in it, and it hurt my esophagus when it came back up. Between burps, I also had the opportunity to marvel at the human body's ability to produce gallons of saliva in mere seconds. Glamorous, huh? 

Once I was sure it was over, I very slowly sipped a small amount of tepid water and took papa puppers out for our daily walk. I felt slightly weak, though. Is that normal? Now I'm sitting here typing this blog entry and licking a popsicle. Slow. Small amounts. No chugging. No snarfing. I promise I've learned my lesson on this one. Never again!

For those of you with the Band- is that what PB'ing is? Or am I completely off track? Has this happened to anyone else without a Band?

Fake it til you make it!
~The Faux Bandit~

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